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Photos from our visit to the 9th District Courthouse and Salesforce Gardens


Friendship Force of the San Francisco Bay Area (FFSFBA) is an organization that participates in one week home stay journeys (once called exchanges) both at home and abroad. Our purpose is to experience countries and cultures different from ours, to promote understanding between each other, and to cultivate friendships. We are a member club of Friendship Force International.

Here are a few pictures from our recent visit to the 9th District Courthouse and Salesforce Gardens. 

Upcoming events

Save the Dates for 2025 

This years regular meetings and events with their dates are shown below. Please register your planned attendance when they appear to the left as UPCOMING EVENTS. Look for the emails to announce that registration is open. 

1. Our meeting for World Friendship Day is set for Saturday March 8th, 2025. This event is still in planning. We usually plan an excursion of some kind. Last year we toured the Google Visitors Center and had lunch nearby

2. May 3rd is our birthday. We usually hold a meeting around this time. Look for further information here. 

3. We will hold our Annual Summer Picnic and BBQ on Sunday July 13th, 2025 in one of our backyards or at a local park.  Last year's picnic was around the pool in Eric and Suzan Miller's yard in Woodside.  

4. We hold our Annual Meeting with Journeys in Photos on Saturday September 6th, 2025.  We do some club business and elect officers for 2026.  The primary purpose though is to recap past journeys and plan for 2026 and express our wishes for 2027.  Guests and visitors are welcome! This is the time to learn what our club is about. Last year we met at the Santa Clara Library. 

5. Just before Christmas we meet for our Annual Holiday Luncheon on Saturday December 11th, 2025. For the past few years we have held our luncheon at Michaels at Shoreline in Mountain View. We eat and are entertained by the Mountain View Madrigal Singers. Most likely we will continue the tradition this year. 

Upcoming Journeys for 2025

1. Our first Inbound Journey will be from 12 ambassadors of San Jose, Costa Rica, on August 16th to the 23rd. A postponement was necessary because of Visa problems. Our Rose Marie Everett is the Journey Coordinator and planning is underway but suspended until the visa's are confirmed. 

2. Our first Outbound Journey is domestic with the Western Kentucky Club on May 7th to 13th, 2025. We are now looking for members to confirm your interest in the trip.  Take note of the the Event Notice to the left. You can confirm your interest with the registration button or contact Dave Rice at We will make a final decision, whether we have enough ambassadors to journey, on January 31st. 

3. Our International Journey will be in October of this year, potentially two home-stays in Mexico, in Chiapas (Tuxtla Gutierrez) and Veracruz (Coatepec). Let us know your interest now! That helps in the planning ( We need a Journey Coordinator for this Journey. 

4. At this time our assigned Domestic Inbound is from Ontario Canada in November. So far they have not committed to the journey. 

Lets Eat Out (LEO's) for 2025

Look to the left in UPCOMING EVENTS to see the schedule of LEO's, Let's Eat Out. LEOS are open to guests and members. If you are new to us you can register on our Meet-up page, or just show up - you will be welcome! For a LEO we all meet a a designated restaurant for drinks and/or dinner and possibly share an excursion. 

LEO's in planning for this year are:

-January 16, 1 pm – Burma Bay Café, 47966 Warms Springs Blvd, Fremont. Host: Judy Walter

-February 11, 11:30 – Donald Hicks, Campbell. After lunch we will visit the nearby Campbell Museum. Host: Helga Campbell

-March 13, 11:30 – El Patio Mexican Restaurant, 37311 Fremont Blvd, Fremont. Host: Martha LeRoy

-April 9, 11:30 – Eataly, Westfield Mall, 2855 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara. Host: Linda Guyer

-June 20, 11:30 – Ginger Café, 398 W. El Camino Real #114, Sunnyvale. Host: Shirley Foreman

Local Events

We hold regular meetings including a World Friendship Day celebration, an annual picnic, and a holiday luncheon. We also schedule events with speakers and local tours. In preparation for our journeys, we hold meetings exploring their cultures.

Inbound Journeys
We host ambassadors from other countries or areas of the U.S. We arrange parties and tours for our guests, and many of our local members participate in the events. Volunteer home hosts provide a place to stay for the guests. We also have dinners or pot lucks that are arranged for small groups so that more members can participate.

Outbound Journeys
We serve as ambassadors to other countries, stay as guests in someone's home, and experience the daily lives of the local area as well as tour their local communities and experience their cultural activities. We travel as a group and are hosted by a local club of Friendship Force International. Usually there is an optional tour before or after the home stay.

Updated Read our November 2023 President's letter.

Read more about our journeys.

View our recent videos.


Meet people, join in on the fun. Eat in the local restaurants with locals, who might happen to be your hosts. Stay with them in their homes, not in mindless Hotels.  Remember that they are as interested in you as you are in them, 

Visit many new countries, cultures, and places that most people dream of going to. Or stay closer to home and visit the wonders of our great United States! 

Our members love to travel and can't wait to meet you.  We get together for many types of events. Share  your travels,  your stories with us. We are  just like you in so many ways...


Our Mission Statement:

The Mission of FFSFBA is to promote global peace, understanding, and friendship through homestays.

Our Vision Statement:

Our Vision: Each individual will make a contribution to global goodwill.

The Friendship Force worldwide network of clubs and individuals will overcome differences among people and nations.

By connecting the world one friend at a time we will create a world of friends that becomes a world of peace.

The Friendship Force Pledge:

As a member of the Friendship Force

I recognize that I can make a difference,

I recognize that I have a mission.

That mission is to be a friend

To the people of the world.

As I embark on this adventure

I know that others are watching me.

I know that through my example to my own fellow citizens

And people of other nations,

The cause of Friendship, Love and Peace can be furthered.

I can make a difference!

Link to our parent organization:

Friendship Force International

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                     FFSFBA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

©FFSFBA – Friendship Force San Francisco Bay Area. All rights reserved.

Friendship Force International

279 W. Crogan Street


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