of the San Francisco Ambassadors on the Philippines
(including a pre-exchange
to Singapore
and Cambodia)
October 25–November 17, 2006
This is a collaborative journal with different ambassadors contributing
first, here's a copy of Exchange Director Karen McCready's
newsletter article summarizing the exchange.
to the Philippines

to the Philippines By Karen McCready
Brass band receptions, keys to the city, dinner with the
mayor…. This may not sound like any exchange you’ve ever experienced, but such
was the ceremonial welcome that greeted us during our two weeks in the
Philippines this past November. After three days in Singapore and five days
exploring Cambodia’s capital and the temples of Siem Reap, narrowly missing a
hurricane, we finally met our Manila hosts and were whisked off to their homes
to enjoy the first weekend with the families. The highlights of our Manila stay,
besides the reception at City Hall, included a tour of Corregidor, an audience
with our American ambassador at the Embassy, and several school programs
featuring the best of their student talent. Hopefully, the nightmarish traffic
of the city will not be the most indelible memory. Several of our ambassadors
had to endure up to two and a half hours of commuting to gather at the
Philippine Women’s University in the center of the city for our daily group
functions. We have to admit, however, that another highlight was the whole
group’s being treated to a ride in a "jeepney,” a hybrid take on the jeeps left
behind by the Americans after World War II. These stretched out, narrow vehicles
hold twenty passengers, ten on a bench on each side, paying 14 cents apiece. The
religious icons adorning them eloquently express Manila drivers’ fatalistic
Baguio City, 130 miles north of Manila, provided welcome
respite from Manila’s heat and traffic, in spite of the seven hours it took to
get there. (There is no such thing as a freeway, at least not in the areas we
visited.) We did take a few detours to visit important sites along the way. One
of these was a church that had been half buried by the lava and ash of Mount
Pinatubo’s 1991 eruption. Particularly significant to our FFSFBA members was our
side trip to a mango grove, the future site of a “Gawad Kalinga,” dedicated to
the memory of Astronaut Willie McCool, the pilot of the tragic Challenger
mission and Yvonne and Remus Bretoi’s daughter-in-law's uncle. Two of the G K
organizers met us at the site to explain their program of building cinder block
homes and helping to rehabilitate the lives of poor
Set in the pine forested mountains at 5,000 feet,
Baguio’s weather is reminiscent of San Francisco. It is every Filipino’s ideal
of the perfect family vacation spot. Just ask any Filipino that you know. Again,
we enjoyed a quiet weekend with our respective families before resuming a busy
weekday schedule. The acting mayor, a young university professor, summarized
Baguio’s history for us during the reception at City Hall and continued the
discussion of politics and civic issues at a dinner he hosted for us at a local
Chinese restaurant. Like our Manila hosts, the Baguio folks outdid themselves
with their generous hospitality and their efforts to show us all the local
highlights, including Burnham Park, dedicated to and named for the Chicago
architect who laid out the design of the city (as well as that of many American
civic centers, including San Francisco’s). Of course, a visit to the Philippines
isn’t complete without an evening of karaoke singing! The welcome and farewell
parties were down home family affairs with lots of singing and home cooked local
specialties. I would like to close with a tribute to those 18
stalwart and cheerful ambassadors who joined me on this exchange of a lifetime.
They dealt with long flights, tricky and changeable security regulations,
illnesses, injuries, tropical weather, tedious commutes, but, most of all, they
immersed themselves in a new culture, became members of their host families, and
left lasting impressions of the best that we can be. For me, it was a
challenging learning experience far beyond my expectations, and I hope that I am
the better for it.
October 25 and Thursday, October 26: En route to Singapore from San Francisco
By Karen McCready
Amazingly, the thirteen ambassadors from the Bay Area and
the five joining us from three other clubs around the country convened in
plenty of time to wait out our “red eye” departure on Singapore Airlines. After
months of exchanging emails and phone calls, I was delighted to see JoAnne
Roberts and Kay Frankenstein, compadres from our 2005 exchange to South
America, and to meet Anne Sander, also from the Seattle club, and Evelyn
Lovett, from the Tampa Bay club. It was a reunion with Mary Lou Hudson, whom
Barry and I had met when she showed us around St. Louis last summer. The nineteenth ambassador, Monika Boerger, was to join us in Manila
at the start of the exchange.
In spite of the best intentions of taking notes on our
lengthy flight to Singapore, those nineteen hours faded into memory by the time
we arrived at the airport and had to start dealing with baggage claim,
complicated tour options, transport to our hotel, etc. We arrived on schedule
at the sleek, luxurious Singapore Airport
at 11:00 a.m. and were greeted
unexpectedly by a tour group leader who wanted to sign us up for a $20 tour of
the city. Having understood all along that we would receive an abbreviated city
tour as part of our complimentary “Singapore Stopover” package, I tried to
rebuff his sales pitch, especially when he kept emphasizing the included lunch
at Hooters! My naïve expectation of a hotel shuttle meeting us at the curb was
soon dashed as I waited interminably for the tour group agents to tear out all the
individual coupons for the complimentary and reduced rate attractions. Also, I
eventually had to concede that no free tour was available and that the $20 was
a good value.
We finally arrived at the Hilton Hotel on Orchard Road, in
the heart of the upscale shopping district, at about 1:00 p.m. Unfortunately,
with check out time at noon, most of our rooms weren’t ready yet, and to make
matters worse for our travel-wracked bodies, they were trying to stick the
female roommates in one-bed rooms. When I discovered that they were giving another group who hadn’t arrived yet priority over us, I asked for the manager
and got some action, along with some free drinks for those of us still waiting
for a room. Nevertheless, the hotel was lovely, and the half-price meals at the
lobby restaurant were a delicious bargain. We all settled in and rested up for
a full day of touring the next morning.
October 27: Singapore Chinatown, harbor boat
tour, and more
Kay Frankenstein
a bus from our hotel, we spent a very busy day
visiting Chinatown, the Indian market, a park
with orchids, and the Merlion statue in the
harbor. After lunch at Hooters Restaurant, we
took a harbor boat tour on the Singapore River,
which is actually a long arm of the harbor, passing
under several bridges, each in a different style.
6:30 p.m., Tong Li, the young webmaster of the
Singapore Friendship Force club, met us at the
hotel and escorted us to the subway for a dinner
at a hawker center. This is a new hawker center,
basically an outdoor food court, called Glutton
Bay, near the super modern Esplanade,
a performing arts complex. We were met there
by about six other young members of the club.
(This group was formed in 2002 by a group of
then graduate students. The group has grown
to about ten members.) They treated us to dinner
with a lot of ethnic dishes and different drink
combinations. We were some tired people as we
returned on the subway to our hotel. I really
liked visiting with our young Friendship Force
October 27: Singapore Impressions
Steve Cooper
first stop was an Indian village. . . . Our guide
described the construction and age of the various
the city is beautiful because of the landscaping
and lack of tract housing. Huge old trees, 4
to 6 feet in diameter, were left standing and
custom homes and flower gardens built around
them. Even in the areas where very poor housing
exists, there are many mature trees, shrubs,
and flowers. There is also an abundance
of laundry hanging on the clothes lines. The
view of the city from our hotel room is very
our tour of Chinatown, we boarded a boat for
a trip down the Singapore River, which turned
out to be the most interesting part of the day
for me. I counted eleven bridges across the
river during the tour. The high temperature
and high humidity left me soaking wet. I decided
to wear shorts the next day.
went to the Civic Center, where we were welcomed
by a half dozen or more "Junior Friendship
Force members." They guided us to a public
outdoor eating facility with fourteen to sixteen
food booths of different nationalities serving
many, many kinds of foods, mainly rice-based
dishes. We also had all the San Miguel beer
we wished to purchase. Since I was pretty well
dehydrated from our walks and adventures, I
had to thoroughly refresh myself.

October 30: Cambodia Phnom Penh, Choeung
Ek Memorial, National Musuem, and more
Anne Sander
day in Phnom Penh was a full one. After an early
breakfast at the Sunway Hotel, I walked outside
to explore the neighborhood. The American Embassy
was directly across from our hotel, while Phnom
Wat was across the street to one side of it.
After taking some pictures of the horde of motorbikes
and motos filling the streets, I walked around
Phnom Wat snapping pictures of the people gathered
in the park-like grounds as well as of the elaborate
paintings and carvings all around the wat.
When our group tour began that morning, it was
grim. Our first stop was the genocide
museum, a high school converted into a prison during the Pol Pot regime called
Tuol Sleng or S-21. The torture
apparatus, the abject conditions, and the rows upon rows of pictures of the
victims were gruesome. Over 10,000
people passed through this prison with only seven surviving the ordeal. Most were killed there or transported to a
“killing field" and then killed. Following this grim experience, we traveled over a long, BAD road to an
actual killing field. Along the drive
there, we passed a swampy waterway where tons of water spinach was growing. Our guide told us that the spinach was meant
for animal fodder as the swampy area was actually a sewer basin. However, he said that many of the poor in the
city ate the spinach either from lack of knowledge or funds to buy better
food. The killing field called Choeung
Ek Memorial was even worse to view than the prison. A stupa housing many of the victims’ skulls
was near the entrance. Fields around the
stupa had many hollows with signage telling about the number of bodies found in
each excavation and, in some cases, telling about the method of killing before
the bodies were deposited in the graves. The trip back to our hotel over the long BAD road seemed easier as I was
glad to have the morning over with happier destinations planned for the
After a light lunch and a short
time for relaxation, the group headed out in the afternoon for the National
Museum, the King’s Palace, and the
Silver Pagoda. Following the tour of
those complexes, we drove to the Russian market where most of us spent about
half an hour browsing through the wares. That evening, when I asked several members of our group what they liked
most about the afternoon, I received these varied responses:
the jewels at the Silver Pagoda
. . . the crowds
in the streets and on motorcycles near the Russian Market . . . the
guide at the National Museum . . . the rug in the
throne room of the King’s Palace. . . the shower at the end of the afternoon
. . .
the luxury of the Royal Palace . . . the treasures in
the National Museum.
That evening we enjoyed a set
dinner in a local restaurant which consisted of five courses with fish
predominating. I didn’t find any of the
food too spicy, but then I didn’t chew on a red pepper as Gerry did. While we were eating, Cambodian music was
being played nearby. It seemed a little
repetitious to some of us, but it did serve to make the Cambodian scene even
more authentic.
We had so much to experience during this very full
day, that my roommate, Kay, and I crashed as soon as we returned to our hotel
that evening. |
October 31: Cambodia Angkor Wat
Dave Gustavson
group left for Angkor Wat at 2:30. Angkor Wat
is an amazing place, surrounded by a huge moat
and then by walls with gates, and with several
towers in the center, everything carved of rock
with statues everywhere (although most are damaged
or missing due to parts being stolen or removed
to a museum). It
seemed like we'd never make it to the central
area, as our group doesn't stick together, so
the guide has to go over the same material several
times, as he re-encounters various fragments
of the group.
just circled around the central towers. The
stairs up them are extremely steep, 75 degrees,
without handrails. (There are a couple places
with handrails, but the waiting line to get
to them is prohibitively long.) A few of our
group posed on the 2nd or 3rd step, but nobody
went up.
left before sunset, but determined to return
tomorrow at sunset. Sunset illuminates the main
entrance of Angkor Wat nicely, if it isn't too
hazy and/or cloudy.
found out that the typhoon kind of fizzled out;
it looks like the center went a little north
of Baguio. Though it had promised to be the
worst typhoon in the last eight years,
it doesn't seem to have done as much damage
or killed as many people as more recent typhoons,
e.g., 2001, or the Millennium typhoon of last
November 1: Cambodia Angkor Thom, Bayon Temple, Ta
Prohm Temple, and more
Dave Gustavson
got up early, breakfasted, and hit the bus for
the 8:30 departure to Angkor Thom.
had to change buses in order to enter Angkor
Thom—only small ones can make it through the
gate and over the bridge to run around inside.
Some of our group saw elephants and wanted to
ride them instead, and eventually sorted out
who would and how we'd meet up again after
being split, and how to pay. Then it was discovered
that the rides were all booked up, so it was
moot and we continued on together.
at the Bayon Temple inside, there were other
elephant rides that circle the temple site,
somewhat shorter ($20 for two people for about
15 minutes). A similar group and split was
negotiated, and Dave remained near the elephant
ride area in order to film them departing or
returning. Eventualy all were back and rejoined
the group, and the guide repeated the tour inside
for them, so the non-riders got to see it all
then took the bus to see the Elephant Terrace
and the Leper King Terrace. (Leper, because
someone misinterpreted a missing finger in a
statue of the king as leprosy, when it's now
thought to be merely a broken-off finger, a
damaged statue.) Then back to the hotel for
lunch and rest.
at 2:00 p.m., off to Ta Prohm Temple. This site features
lovely enormous trees eating the rock structures,
straddling walls and lifting stones with massive
surface-loving roots. The trees are sometimes
called cotton/silk trees because of the sheen
of their bark, but they are also known as Kapok
trees. This is the site where Tomb Raider was
filmed, with Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft. Half
the site was closed to the public for the duration
of the filming.
a link that shows where most of the things we
saw can be found, along with some info about
to Pre Rup, which is the state temple of a king,
built in the 900s.
back to Angkor Wat to see it at sunset. No luck;
too much haze and too cloudy, so we didn't linger.
Dave tried to buy the sticky rice in bamboo
like their OAT guide had bought for them in
February, but couldn't find any.
organized a BYOB cocktail party in our room,
and provided crackers and cheese, apple and
orange slices, etc. About a dozen people came.
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